mercredi 24 septembre 2014

Attempted Murder by Powerhead

So for the last week when I have the pumps off for maintenance my Royal Gramma likes to creep inside the grate into the powerhead and play hide and seek. I know this and am aware of him at all times.

So just now I was feeding them and acclimating a shrimp for an hour. Having a brain fart, I reach under the tank, flip on the power strip, realize I don't see the RG and shut off the power.

I look in the powerhead and see a glimpse of yellow. He slowly swims out and darts down to his home before I get a real good look but one side looks marked up. He's currently in hiding and it is now a waiting game to see how he does. Either he comes out to eat to heal up or he dies under that rock.....I feel really dumb but just goes to show how easy mistakes happen.:mad:

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