jeudi 25 septembre 2014

food choices for the leaf eaters?

I'm thinking of a One Spot foxface, but also a Kole Tang. In talking to the LFS they have some sea weed that is about the same as Nori as far as I can tell. My problem with that is it is chopped and pressed.

I am assuming it will fall apart if left on a clip for long, and add a lot of uneaten detritus.

I've seen Romaine used. My LFS used Romaine but said it must be soaked overnight in vitamins they sell. Well my thought on that is that there is absolutely no way a vegetable is going to absorb any new vitamins through the cellulose. Heck, we can't even digest the fiber. Maybe just a coating of vitamins?

Anyhow what else can be fed? Any sources for seaweed sheets that aren't chopped and pressed, but actual leaves (if that's what they are called)?

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