jeudi 25 septembre 2014

Diatom Bloom

Hello TRT

I have a 40 gallon breeder, about 14 months old. I keep SPS, LPS, zoa, etc. I run gfo and gac constantly, use RO/DI water, and do a 10% change(at least) every 1.5 weeks. I also top off with RO/Di. Run a protein skimmer and have a refugium, albeit with no macro right now. I currently have a diatom bloom on the sand. Goes away at night comes back during the day. I keep two perc clowns and I have a black molly that I raised from a fry, not overstocked. Corals growing like crazy.

No phosphate, silicates, ammonia. Nitrates at 10.

Dka 8.5


Mag 1450

PH about 8.2

The only chnage I have made is in lights. My 4 bulb t5ho front two lights blew. Now I'm running only 2 actinic (420 nm) and running a Fluval LED with White and Actinic. I'm thinking of switching out the Actinic in the t5 with 10ks but wanted to see what the forum thought first.

Thanks to all.

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