jeudi 14 septembre 2017


Tank 32 gallon biocube
Stock pump and 425 korrlia
Intank media basket with filter floss ,phosguard, and purigen
Intank fuge basket with cheato and led light on reverse cycle
Water changes of 7 gallons every week with rodi and reef crystals
Rodi for top off
40 pounds sand bed cleaned weekly
36 pounds live rock
Tank running over 4 months now

Clown fish, diamond goby, flame angel, 6 small snails, 1 turbo, 1 peppermint shrimp.

Flowerpot coral colony, rbta, mushroom frag

So got home late last night as the lights were going off and didn't see my small flame angel like 1.5 inch. Though it was hiding for the night. Checked in the morning and was dead. Removed the fish and had to work. Got home and goby was dead. All coral looks good and my clown. So I freaked out and checked my parameters.

Ammonia jumped to .25
Nitrites still zero
Niatrates still zero
Ph.. very weird always is 8 but today is was super low light off the chart low . My chart only goes to like 7.4 but I bet it's lower..

Just did a 25 percent water change. What else should I do? How many large changes can I do in a week? Any chemicals to dose ??

What can cause the ph to swing so much and how bad is that.

I'm thinking my flame angel died bc they can be finicky and that caused my ammonia Spiked and killed my diamond goby., what do you pros think?

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