mardi 5 septembre 2017

48"X48"X18" High enough for a blue tang ..

tank will be 48" long x 48" wide " 19.5" high
sandbed 1.5" .. leaves 18" thoughts ? should be ok right ?
its a 185 gallon display + 75 gallon sump
6 foot corner to corner .. no tang popo please :P
rock will be centered leaving maximum swimming room for the tangs in a circle pattern + a lane through the middle like a figure 8
my lfs tells me i can keep 5 large tangs in this system .. i call BS
ultimately id like two larger tangs and a yellow.

blue tang
orange shoulder tang &
yellow tang or a kole havent quite decided yet.

thoughts guys on 1.5ft high should be ok ?
blue tang and orange shoulder tang should get along fine ?

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