jeudi 11 mai 2017

Okay so, Water Change??

Hi guys!!! It's been a while, but I'm back!!!
I have a quick question that I'll post first, and then fill in the details!!!

"Should I do a water change?"
I have about 2.5/3 gallons of water I'm preparing in a bucket... I'm thinking it couldn't do much harm?

My tank was started on March 11. DSB, 35 lbs. live rock, 1 lb. rock rubble, 3 gallon refugium, fuge mud.

So I'm thinking of letting this puppy keep on cookin'. Seeing as it's unfit to support any life besides bacteria.
Guys my tank has been all over the place with the ammonia levels. It went up to .5 ppm, then to .25 ppm, and now it seems stuck at .25 ppm. I added a second load of LR, about 12 lbs. of it??, two weeks ago, And I think it started another cycle.
It's also recovering from a massive diotom explosion, "brown algae," which is currently spreading from my fuge into my display tank... but on the bright side I'm seeing coraline algae growth on the new rocks I added!! Woo!!
I'm also noticing these microscopic little yellow worms with white butts and clear heads (antennas?) They certainly move like worms. There are about a thousand all over my glass, thinking it's just from the brown algae bloom.

Anyway, my parameters are as follows;
Ammonia 0.25 ppm
Phosphate 0.25 ppm
Nitrate 0.0 ppm.

That seems really fishy to me...

So what do you think? Water change?

I hear a lot of people that just let it sit forever and only do a water change before fish, I like that idea yet it's been 2 months and it's exciting to see the growth, but I don't like the idea of really poor water quality... idk.

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