jeudi 18 mai 2017

Did I finally find the cause to my Dinoflagellates?

So I've been starting to notice some slight dinoflagellates, I hadn't changed anything so I wasn't quite sure what caused it. I would spray them off and they would almost instantly come back. I thought about reducing the lights and doing all the other band-aid type solutions.

Then when I was researching them, I realized that dinoflagellates seem to thrive when there's no phosphates in the tank and people have had success by essentially adding phosphates to the tank which allows things like GHA and better algaes to start gaining the nutrient battle against them.

That's when I realized, about a month ago I was having a GHA growth issue that I wanted to tackle before it got too bad(my chaeto/refugium was newly set up), so I threw in a bag of chemipro-elite phosphate remover in to my filter sock. It worked great, my GHA stopped growing and everything leveled out. The other thing I noticed was my chaeotmorpha just flat out wouldn't grow. Tried 3 different lights and had an entire ball even die off. Then, fast forward to now and dinoflagellates are starting to grow all over, takes daily blasts to clean up rocks.....

Then.. I realized something. I am thinking that the reason for that is the chemi-pro has essentially sucked everything out of my water column and created an environment where dinoflagellates thrive. I have switched out the filter socks and then removed the bag of chemo-pro hoping this would fix my issue.

Does this sound like the possible culprit? Or do you think something else is still causing it?

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