mardi 23 mai 2017

Kenya tree coral problem

Hey everyone, Im new here and to the hobby this is my first saltwater tank. I have a 30 gal. tank with live sand bottom. I have about 35-40 lbs of live rock. I have one power head and a home made trickle sump. My lighting system is an aqueon led hood with 3 bulbs 1 white, 1 blue, and 1 red n white colormax bulb. My tank is 6 weeks old, i let it cycle 4 weeks. I had a water test at 4 weeks and ammonia was high was told tank wasnt cycling cause of no fish so i went ahead and got 2 domino damsels. At week 5 got water tested again ammonia still high at 2.1 so i got some cleaner crew additions which are 2 emerald crabs n a brittle star. At week 6 got water tested again and ammonia still at 2.1. Everything else is spot on sg is 1.024, calcium good, ph good, nitrate might be a false reading cause of ammonia im told, alkaline good. Fish are fine no signs of stress. A friend of mine gave me a clump of dragon breath algae and 3 kenya tree coral. Its been 4 days n the coral is sad ive moved it everywhere n cant get it happy. Is it the ammonia or was it too soon for them?

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