lundi 29 mai 2017

green bubble s

Well let me tell ya got some corals from lfs and guess what was on it . Yep Green bubbles from heaven. filled a 32 gallon heavy duty trash can from wall mart and put three quarters of my live rock in it with fresh mix salt water a power head and a 300 watt heater smallest I have. changed the water every 2 weeks and finally after 5 months very clean and very good live rock. Witch brings me to Memorial day weekend switched out my rock with what little I have in there and now my nitrates are up there from not having enough rock so now I have my tank and the trash can to take care of will it ever stop 5 years no problems and one visit to fish store and blame. So I will not stress enough to ya all please check your stuff before you put it in . My bubble attack covered the top of all my rock, inside my over flows it was even on my snails. I know my battle is not over but I am close!!!!

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