samedi 20 mai 2017

Do I have dry, live or reef rock??! Help!

I'm new to the hobby and started my cycle two days ago. I ordered 'live' rock from Amazon

When I got my rocks they were dirty, covered in sand and probably other organic dead matter. I put them straight into the tank to start the cycle Today I tested for ammonia and nitrite and there is zero of both in the tank.

Do I have live rock or dry rock now??? Do I even need to cycle if it's just dry rock?

Also, why are some dry rocks sold as reef rocks and some are purple and some are white? Do they turn purple on their own or are they stained/colored?


I went on their homepage and this is what my rocks look like (not like the picture on Amazon)

In the description, it says it comes with live bacteria. So is this real dry reef rock or did they make it?

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