lundi 22 mai 2017


Anyone order a *onday? Good *orning Folks, and.....uhhhh, HAPPY *ONDAY? Well anyway it is. I see we have some good old fashioned Capt. Crunch on the table, and cinnamon raisin toast to go with our coffee and pink *ilk today. Looks like the sunshine has vanished in these parts for a few days dragging in the drearies with it. The beginnings of Shoebee season is upon us.....traffic, rudness, and hurry up and waits are all pouring this direction for the big weekend heading towards us. Anyone in a 'seasonal tourist region' can understand the onslaught we face. Going to be a trying week at work.....not only the rush to get the 'Oh it's Memorial Day already' boats in, but also a wet week at work hampering our efforts to please them folks that don't own calender's to know that ahead of ti*e. :doh: I hope all are in a groovy place, and have great things facing them, and all the best,

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