jeudi 25 mai 2017

I think I may have AIPTASIA...

Hey guys, I am new to this forum but after reading numerous old threads I found very helpful I figured it was time to join up. I realize this topic may be a common topic however I am new to the forum and new to saltwater in general. I certainly appreciate any help with identifying the new inhabitants of my cycling tank.

First things first. My water parameters (after 8 days cycling) are as follows:
Ammonia: looks like .25
PH: looks between 8.0 and 8.2
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
Ca: first test (yesteray) 500
Salinity: SG 1.024

Now to the point. I have around 38 pounds of base rock and 9 pounds of LR. Just yesterday I noticed a few new organisms in my tank that research would lead me to believe are brown button polyps or the dreaded Aiptasia... I also have a couple of brown mushrooms growing on the LR that I can't identify. I think most of these are easy for veteran refers but as I said I'm new to the hobby.

I plan to cycle my tank for a few more weeks especially since the apparent Ammonia "spike" hasn't gone past .25. After that I intend to very slowly introduce an anemone or two and allow a little time for them to acclimate and watch parameters before I introduce the two clown fish I want. After that I think I'll allow everything to establish before I start adding anything else to the ecosystem. Anyway, I know this is a long post but I am full of questions and a desire to learn. Please help identify what is in my tank and weather or not it is best to remove them before they get too invasive. The mushroom is on the rock up and right of the suspected Aiptasia. There are two more on the other live rock that appear to have faint blue spots but are difficult to get an image of you can see them just above the white base rock in the 3rd picture. Any and all advice is welcome.

Thanks guys!

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version Name: 1495774140749360676160_1495774177486.jpg Views: N/A Size: 59.7 KB ID: 156266   Click image for larger version Name: 14957741847682101818443_1495774223404.jpg Views: N/A Size: 55.3 KB ID: 156274   Click image for larger version Name: 1495774358506-1541091262_1495774381847.jpg Views: N/A Size: 43.2 KB ID: 156282  

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