mardi 30 mai 2017

my tank

125 gallon reef with two corner over flows connected to a blue line 40 some some x 1250 gallons per hour have a dc 2250 gph on its way.30 gal. sump with a dc 1100 gph pump on my protein skimmer 800 watt finnex heater and controller gfo reactor 10 gallon refuge hydor wave maker 60 blue leds and 60 10k white leds just replaced drivers. 120 60 degree optics blues come on 1 hour before white and blues off one hour after white go out 4 inches of dsb 200 pounds live rock one blue hippo 4" one sailfin tang 4" one flame angel two o clowns 4 blue green chromis one 3.5" fox face two crabs left one green emerald crab 12 Astra snails 12 nas. snails. about 8 corals

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