mercredi 31 mai 2017

need some advice...

Hi everyone,

I'm Mark, i'm new here...

so i'm contemplating trying to get back into the hobby for the second time. I set something up about 10 years ago but had terrible results. everything i would put in there would just die after a month or two. i ended up getting frustrated and sold my equipment for pennies on the dollar.

so fast forward 10 years and i'd like to give it another shot. i just wanted something simple with a few hardy fish and corals.

i'm looking at buying second hand so i don't invest a lot upfront; possibly upgrade in the future if i outgrow it. what i am looking at is a Biocube. the ones im coming across are the older ones with Fluorescent lighting. the new ones at the local shops are pretty nice with the LED lighting but they're a lot more ($300-$400 more) than the ones i can get my hands on second hand.

can anyone share some wisdom with these bio cubes? What equipment would you suggest i use? will the fluorescent lighting be good for beginner coral? should i upgrade to LED light?

so many questions, please help!

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