samedi 13 mai 2017

A soggy seashore Saturday

Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY SATURDAY! Bring an umbrella if'n you're heading to the beach today. Scrambled egg sandwiches while I drag my feet this morning seeing if the boss is going to call and say 'working in this today would be stupid'. So far the rains are still vertical but are supposed to become 'horizontal' carried by 40+ mph winds. Wouldn't be any yard work getting done around here if'n I did stay home, but of course the continuing tank 'getting back in shape' program would love to have my would the Mrs. over at Pop's......or Hack after picking him up from last nights shindig, to go do some Mother's Day shopping with him. Yeah, there's options for my day waiting in line. Of yeah, could pencil in visiting my brother Bobby in the hospital. Well anyway I hope you all are dry, or have a really good excuse for playing in this stuff, and all the best,

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