lundi 22 mai 2017

Kalkwasser w/ vinegar

Does anybody have experience in doing this?

I live in Florida so my tank always has low PH due to the A/C on and the doors shut most of the time. I would like to up it a small bit, lets say .2 to .3. I want to dose, via a pump, Kalkwasser to help increase the PH but want to do it in small controlled amounts. I don't want this stuff in my auto top off.

So I dose 40 ml of vinegar everyday into the tank. My question is, if I add Kalkwasser to it, which creates a supersaturation, will it have any affect at all on my PH? Or is the amount so small that nothing will really happen?

This will be dosed at night to help keep the PH up. Right now at night I hit a low of 7.75 PH, If I have family over my PH will only hit 7.9 during the day.

I know with vinegar you can add 3 tsp of Kalk instead of only 2 tsp with water.

Guess I am trying to kill two birds with one stone here

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