samedi 20 mai 2017

Help with a new 250 gallon FOWLR Setup

Hello everyone! I’m getting back into the saltwater aquarium hobby after being out of it for almost 20 years. Got busy with kids and coaching and gave it up for a while. Kids are grown now and I’m really excited about getting back into maintaining a saltwater FOWLR tank. I originally posted this in the General Discussion forum; but it was suggested I post it in this "equipment forum."

I'm in the process of designing and constructing a 250 gallon half-cylinder acrylic tank….and I have a lot to learn…and lots of questions. I should also say that this is my first post EVER on any type of internet forum; so I’ll apologize in advance for breaking any forum etiquette rules!

Here’s the basic design specs so far for my tank…followed by some initial questions that I need help with before I get too much further along. Of course, if you have any suggestions regarding design specs below, I’m all ears.


• 250 gallon half-cylinder acrylic tank: 84”L x 32”W x 30”H
• FOWLR: Looking to have several Angel fish (Queen, French, Rock Beauty), Tangs, Butterfly fish and Clownfish.
• Center trapezoid overflow box inside the tank. 1.5” drain holes to be drilled in bottom/back section of overflow box to drain through wall into 75 gallon sump in mechanical room on other side of wall. Will be about a 5.5 foot lift from return pump to top of tank with a single tee and several 90 degree turns.
• 1” Return holes to be drilled in upper left and right of back panels; with return pipes being fed from sump in mechanical room
• My initial sump design at this point is pretty simple: Left section for filter socks and protein skimmer, center section for Refugium…with water flowing under/over/under baffles into return section on the right. Still hunting around for pumps, skimmers, ATO system, lights, etc.
• Plenty of room in separate mechanical room behind tank for sump, refugium, etc….so no space constraints there.

• Sump Design & Flow Rate: Would love opinions on going with 1) High-flow refugium design summarized above vs. 2) Design that permits slower flow through the refugium with Skimmer in left section, return in center section and refugium in right section being fed via tee & ball valve in return line that regulates flow into refugium. Thoughts on what’s best? Fast or slow flow through refugium to optimize algae growth in refugium vs. tank?
• Best to feed the refugium with “dirty” water from overflow drain or “clean” water teed-off a return line?
• If possible, would it be better to have a separate refugium that is outside of the sump…with it’s own return pump and flow rate?
• Years ago I used to have a closed-system canister filter setup with a mechanical module, chemical module and UV module. Is that even necessary with the sump/refugium?
• For a FOWLR tank, what’s best to put in refugium? Chaeto Algae? Miracle Mud? Clean-Up crew? Live Rock Rubble? Algae Turf Scrubber?
• Is it best to have 1-1/2” inch drain lines and smaller 1” return lines? Or 1-1/2” for both?
• I’m thinking about the Sicce Syncra 10.0 that pushes approx. 2500 GPH. Is that enough? Too much? Better to go big and regulate additional flow back into sump vs. throttle-back the pump? Better to use a single, larger return pump...or two smaller ones - in case one dies.
• Recommendations for substrate in tank? I like the look of pure sand; but is that going to get stirred-up too easy? Carib Sea “live sand”? Lot of different blends & sizes?
• Lighting recommendations for a FOWLR tank like this?
• Any recommendations on equipment? Protein Skimmer, Return Pump, ATO system, Temp & PH Controller, Heater, etc.?

Thanks again everyone for your wisdom and patience with all my questions!

Make it a Blessed Day

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