mardi 30 mai 2017

Water Chemistry Parameters

OK so my tank is going through its thing and I am being patient as it matures. First it was the high nitrates and then it was the abundance of algae. Now I have the nitrates down to zero and the algae is for the most part gone. This is a 29 gallon in which I have a humbug, blue devil damsel, maroon clown, and a lawn mower blenny. I have a fire shrimp and an emerald crab. Then a clean up crew of various snails and hermit crabs. There is also what has been described to me as a small ball anemone that came as a hitchhicker. There are other small critters on the live rock. Oh and I have a small hammer coral total size about a half dollar and a piece of pulsing xenia about the same size. I think that covers it.

So my question is what should my water parameters be. What are target numbers so that I have a nice healthy reef tank. Where it is now:

Salinity is 1.023
PH 8.4
Ammonia .25 ppm
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Phosphate .25 ppm
Calcium 440
KH 179

I know that Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, and Phosphate are ideally zero but what are safe upper limits for a healthy tank to watch for? Salinity I shoot for the green on the floating hydrometer. My real question is what is the right amount of Calcium before I have to consider supplementing it and what should KH be. I have no experience with those numbers.

Thanks in advance.

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