jeudi 2 mars 2017

Clean Up Crew survival

My tank is now 3 months old and doing great! My 2 clowns and recently added Foxface are doing well as are the CUC (3 Cucumbers that came with the 100lbs of LR, 2 large Emerald Crabs, a lot of hermits and snails). I started with a ton of hair algae that covered most of the back wall, some of the live rock and all 3 of the powerheads. I never thought it would end, although at times it was mesmerizing to watch as the wave makers made it flow back and forth like real hair. It was fun to watch the CUC eat it, especially the Emerald Crabs that would grab bunches of it like it was cotton candy.

There wasn't a lot of it left last week, just some in the hard to reach areas and on the powerheads, until I got our Foxface a week ago. He apparently liked it because I can't find a single strand of hair anywhere in the tank. Not on the walls, not on the powerheads or any rocks!

Purple coraline algae is growing rapidly all over the tank and rock. But there really is nothing green anywhere for the CUC to eat anymore. All this is good news, but my question is, is there enough other things to eat to keep the CUC going? I don't want to see them starve, but I also don't want to dismantle the LR in an effort to try to catch the big crabs or the hermits. They seem to pick at and eat little things off the rock (not sure what it is as it must be so small I can't see anything), but not sure that is enough to sustain them.

Will they survive on whatever waste is in the tank from food or the fish, or will they start to struggle to eat. Thanks for your thoughts and input!!

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