mardi 28 mars 2017

Help with possibly upgrading tank

Hey y'all and thanks for the help in advance!

I have a 5 gallon tank running for a month with 5-7 lbs of live rock, 2in base of live sand, topfin powerhead, HOB filter rated 100 gph. I'm thinking of possibly upgrading (next month or two, no sooner), but want to get all of my research done first. For my current setup, a 20 gallon tank will be my max; I can get a 20 gal long tank that actually looks a lot bigger then it is from my LFS. Also, my 5 gal is fully cycled. If I do this, I also plan on using the 5 gal tank as a sump. So my question is: If I transfer the water, live rock, filter and media, and live sand (and add more of course), will the tank have to cycle again? Do you think there is enough bacteria to support the new tank? I know that people do this for setting up smaller tanks, but I haven't heard of anyone going from a small to larger tank.

I know it would be more expensive, but if I want to avoid any major cycling, can I use live water? Such as: Nutri-SeaWater. Would I need to ensure that the whole tank is live water or just a percentage, like 50/50, 60/40, etc, etc?

Again, thanks for the help!

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