dimanche 19 mars 2017

Nitrite reactor & levels

Hi guys, i want to ask your thoughts because I am still a beginner and hopefully somebody expert can point me in the right direction.

I have a 55 gal tank, about 80-100Lbs of LR, different (begineer) corals (candy coral, frogspawn,...) and 8 fish (2 tangs, 2 Damsel, 2 clown, 2 angel), 1 serpent sea star, and 1 banded shrimp, plus some turbo snails.

Because of very low space I cannot have a sump, so the current skimmer is attached to the back (Octoplus BH2000). I have 2 x HYDRA Twentysix HD going from 2% to 60% in a daily cycle (6am - 10pm).

I do a 20% water change every 2 weeks. I have had this tank for about 4-5 years now.

I feed the fish twice/day, in the morning (ON Formula Two Pellets) and the evening (frozen shrimp with spirulina).

Here are some issues:
1 - For few months now I have noticed a surge in Pulsing Xenia, which with my surprise I can't get rid of, no matter how hard i try. It seems to be very strong to kill.

2 - almost every 2-3 weeks there is an outbreak of cynobacteria which i battle with chemipure. It goes away for some time then it's back.

3 - Recently I bought a feather duster and another tang: the tang has died after 2 days, while the feather duster is inside the shell most of the time.

I have tested the water with the Quick Deep but it all seemed ok, so I recently bought Hanna's Nitrite and Alkaline tests; it reads:

Nitrite: 14ppm
Alacaline: 4.6 DkH.

What do you think is going on?

I cannot install a sump because of space, do you think I should get a nitrite reactor? Would that resolve the problem?

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