mercredi 22 mars 2017

I'm back

Hello all, I'm back after several months. I left because of a life decision I made to get out of a situation that I was in and really that's all I can say without getting into details.

Unfortunately I do not return with my tank. I made my tank as easy as possible to maintain while I was gone and trusted my roommate who is also into the hobby to take care of it. For one reason or another (and another) my tank of 2.5years that has had fish and coral living in it for the whole time and the tank itself in a healthy condition crashed within 24 hours a few weeks after I left. Everything died within that time, or at least that's what I was told...

So I'm sad about not returning to a tank but that won't get me down, I love the hobby and I'll have another system up soon enough.

It's good to be back, have a nice day!

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