samedi 25 mars 2017

Newbie with some questions

Hello! I have been reading and stalking TRT for a while now. There is so much great information and opinions. I stated out with a 55 gal freshwater planted tank. It has been up and running successfully for a few years now so I decided to try my hand at a saltwater tank. So far things seem to be going pretty well. I do have a question about algae, cuc and stocking but first let me tell you about my tank:

36 gallon
RODI water
30ish pounds live rock
~1 in live sand base
Protein skimmer
3 powerheads for flow
10% h2o change every week
It has been running for 4 months

2 clownfish
1 yellow clown goby
2 nassarius snails
3 nerite snails

one large rock covered in Zoas - all open and happy looking

Overall I think things are going pretty well, I have some brown algae that the snails are keeping in check. I have coralline algae starting to cover the rocks. I noticed today a few clumps of hair algae. So my questions are:

1. should I add something to my cuc to take care of the hair algae? Its such a small amount right now that I'm worried any additional cuc might starve once it's gone. Is this just part of the "uglies," would it be best just to work on getting rid of it myself?

2. as for stocking I would like to add a green clown goby and a royal gramma. Is this too much? I also wondered about adding a lawnmower blennie. As that might take care of some algae too but I'm worried that might be overstocking.

Thanks for any input and recommendations!

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