samedi 18 mars 2017

Livestock progression

As a noob here with a just-getting-started tank (although we used what I think is really good purple rock and Caribbean reef sand, so it's got a head start), I'd really appreciate hearing the opinions of those who know (you all!) regarding livestock progression.

I've got a Red Sea 650 in which I put four clowns yesterday to start things off. I want to end up with a solid, stable, healthy tank, obviously. My LFS guys will be coming by every two weeks for the next year to monitor water quality and take care of the tank, so I'm not doing this solo. I want to do it right.

That being said, what are your opinions regarding stocking the tank? A fish a month? Corals after X number of months? I keep hearing at least 6 months for an anemone, what about clams? My LFS guy says "slow and steady wins the race," and I believe him. How slow? How steady? Thanks in advance!


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