mercredi 1 mars 2017

Ammonia Emergency (established tank)

Hi, I have a 55 gallon saltwater tank which I've had for over 4 years. Recently, the ammonia levels have spiked and I can't figure out why. First one fish died, then another, then two others. There are two remaining, which I've relocated to temporary quarters. Several snails have also died.

So far I've done about a 25-30% water change, changed filter media (carbon and added ammonia reducing "stuff") and am seeing no results. Ammonia readings off the charts. What can I do? I've had to add more freshwater lately it seems, to keep the tank topped off, but always treat it with dechlorinater and keep the salinity stable. Have tried ammo-lock also. I have about 35 pounds of live rock.

Would appreciate your expertise, as the temporary quarters are not going to last long, and ammonia is starting to build there too.

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