dimanche 1 janvier 2017


I'm new to TRT and excited to learn all I can from experienced saltwater tank owners. My wife and I have a 120 gal saltwater setup that has been running for 10 months now. We currently have a yellow tang, 2 maroon clowns, blue velvet damsel, lawnmower blenny, scooter blenny, pink spotted watchman goby, blue fin damsel, neon dotty back, sand hopper blenny, and file fish. We also have a green carpet anemone, a bubble tip anemone, button coral, derasa clam, some leather corals, GSP, feather duster, and other polyps. Also a tuxedo urchin and a tiger cucumber. All seem to be happy so far. Only problem so far is a few things getting snatched by our carpet. We had a plate coral and a blue sea star to die, but other than those two we haven't had any other deaths as of yet. As far as parameters in my tank, i'm not sure as my wife deals with that. pretty sure they are in check as all inhabitants have been doing great so far.

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