dimanche 22 janvier 2017

My first reef tank

So I'm just filling my aqua one mini reef 120L tank with RO water to start the 1.5 month cycle.

When I set it up, I noticed that the 'clips' that come with the tank to hold up the lid are absolute rubbish. I live in New Zealand and I can see with the next moderate sized earthquake (which there will be in a few months no doubt) the lid is going to slide right off those silly little plastic rests. Does anyone know what options I have for some sturdy clips (actual clips that are going to keep the glass lid in place!)

I have kept freshwater puffers and oscars and have had the itch to start on marine you see.

I'm thinking of getting a clown pair, a shrimp and a couple of gobies. Is that too much load for the tank? My selection of fish is relatively limited, I live in the south island of New Zealand, hence why I'm using just general names rather than specific species, I'm going to see what comes along.

Also, what are your opinions on bubble corals, brain corals and open brain corals? They're the only ones I've seen in my local store so far. I've read that bubble corals can have an issue of stinging other corals in small tanks.

Sorry for all of the questions and cheers!

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