lundi 23 janvier 2017


I've been looking for a place to post about my display refugium. Everytime i post it gets burried in a forum where usually i get tons of questions on Youtube and how do i get to do this.

I'm sure others have great refugium ideals and tricks to post but like me it gets burried with the flow.

I'm not saying i'm special i'm saying the refugium is an important part of the trade and some how its underscored and under represented. In that forum Identifications of friendly algae would be an assets also for those who wants to cultivate, or those who are going for pod production.

In any case. i'll just post a bit here to show you what i mean by possibilities with this thank you.

When i first started my display refugium, i treated it like another tank. With planing and not just thrown together and the result was pretty good.

My reason to make my refugium such a big part of my system is because i wanted to have a high nutrient system to accommodate my diversity from LPS, NPS, gorgonians and sponges.

The design involved the planing of a rock formation that would help with the filtration of both tanks, and offer an habitat to several species not quite meant for each other.hence de dive in the tank.

Its location above the reef was also calculated for the export of pods without being munched up by a pump so connected by a pipe and using only gravity.

The treatment of a complex refugium requires some dedication and involves reading a lot. More so because their isn't as much info about macro algae as their is fish or invert for that matter. So went through quite few mistakes to begin with.

For one thinking that algaes would just grow out of phosphate and nitrates; WRONG, Cheato can but more delicate and beautiful macro's needs a bit of TLC and some suppliments. like Iron; which is depleted quite fast.All the Iron in your tank is used in the first 20 min after its injection, its a chemical reaction actually that gives many macro's the ability to grow faster and better. Also part of their needs , high calcium will deter cyano and other pest algaes.

This conclude my presentation thank you.

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