lundi 30 janvier 2017

Cyano? Algae of some other sort? Help!

Hi All,
I have noticed problems with algae lately. I have always kept it under control.

I have a 94 gallon with about 50lbs LR, 2 inch LS bed.
1 bi color blennie
2 ocelarris clowns
6 pepp shrimp
2 cleaner shrimp
3 blue chromis
2 ignatus anthias

Nitrate 10-15-20 depending.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
pH 8.2
Sal 1.025-1.026
Phosphate sometimes up to .1

3 little zoa colonies. 3 kenyas. 1 neon green sinularia.

The only thing new is I bought two of those 165 watt chinese LEDs that everybody talks about and recommends on here. The corals LOVE the new lights.

I get some purple on the sand on one side and on some rocks. And some green hair algae, which is not a lot and is actually pretty - but I know it needs to go.

I am going to start increasing WCs. Could it be the lights? Should I switch back to the old .5/bulb LEDs?

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