lundi 30 janvier 2017

Is my Anemone Dying?

Hey everyone,

Curious about my Bubble Tip Anemone. I currently have 3 anemone in my tank, all from the same original anemone. One of them has been closed up the last 2 days, and moving around the tank. It has been expelling some waste, but I have never seen it last as long as this time. It has moved back and forth on the same rock about 15 times over the lat day. Any information on whats happening?

Tank appears to be stable from what I can tell, and both other anemones are open, and acting normal.

Temp-79, Ph 8.1, Salinity-1.024

I noticed this yesterday in the morning, and was performing my weekly water change. Nothing has changed through today, other than the fact that it is moving.

Lighting on the tank is 2 SB reef lights, running at about 45 blues, and 25 whites. They have been under this lighting for 6+ months without any issues. This is the first time I have seen it move at all.

Thank you,

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