mardi 18 octobre 2016

A beautiful Tuesday!

Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY TUESDAY! Another 80 deg. day in the middle of October.....WORKS FOR ME! The doctors woke Pop up yesterday, and is comfy, and eating. Now they'll begin deciding what the next steps are for him. Jen spent the night down there again beside him, and I have the kids yet, so quick and simple fare for starters today again.....Buttermilk waffles, Boo Berry, and Count Chockula cereal to go with our coffee and pink milk, though we're out of DARK ROAST, and settling for wimpy breakfast something or other coffee. :doh: Seems strange running around the boatyard in T-shirts this week, but FAAAARRRRRR better than the freezing stuff that will happen soon enough. Hope all are well, and all the best,

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