vendredi 21 octobre 2016

Clownfish aggression?

Hey guys, my clownfish are still fighting almost all the time,I've had them for like a month and a half maybe two, the only time they're not fighting is when the little orange dude is hiding in a cave.
The orange one seems to absolutely love the anemone and whenever the big black clown will let him near it he just rolls around in it in pure ecstasy almost
The entire day so far they've been squabbling and fighting like this; thought it would work best just to video it, is this normal or do I need to remove one of the fish before something more serious happens?

Also something interesting I found when reading, isn't it normally the turning on their side and twitching is the submissive behaviour? Because I only see my big black clown doing that, the big black clown also shows all the aggressive behaviour, constantly chasing him around, so I'm not sure. The black one has definitely grown to be bigger than the orange though, when I got them both they were around the same size so the black ones definitely the female.

Plus an update from my last post, the fish store just got me a new green clown goby and this dude loves food ahaha, one of my favourite fish in the tank! if the video isn't too low quality you might be able to see him poking his head up on the left

Any replies are appreciates cheers :)

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