dimanche 30 octobre 2016

Aiptasia Trouble

Hello TRT
A few months ago, about 4 months, i started my own 20 gallon reef tank. After all water parameters were good after about two months, I started adding fish(i did not quarantine the damsels only acclimated) to it. I've done 10% water changes weekly. I have 2 powerheads, protein skimmer, and a filter. For my CUC I have five turbo snails and one tigertail cuke. After a month of everything going well, I got myself some corals. However, I did not do much research so i accidentally picked a couple of bad corals. Many of them had aiptaisia. One of them was on the coral mount so i used bone cutters to cut the whole part off. However, my second coral, a button coral, had aiptasia sticking out in between the corals. How do i remove that, cause i can't take it off since it just shrinks in between the corals where i can't reach. I've heard of kalkwasser, but how do I mix it. Also, will it kill the coral? Lastly, when i have injected the kalk, do i still need to remove the tissue remains?Is kalkwasser effective?

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