mardi 25 octobre 2016

Yep, Tuesday!

Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY TUESDAY! A chilly, sunny start around here, heading to near 60 for a high.....fall seems to have set in around these parts. Family all getting up early to go pick Pop up from his sleep study last night. So since he's up, 'Lil' Hack is making some scrambled eggs and bacon to go with our coffee and pink milk for our eye openers today. Getting to the 'fall lull' at the boatyard....early ones are out, and now the late ones won't budge till after Thanksgiving. All of November we only have 9 scheduled to come out.....leaving the typical 20'ish that will that want to place in the ice and snow. There the ones that 'all want to be last out, and first in', yet always come up with excuses not to be FIRST IN. Hope all are doing good, and have groovy things ahead for their day, and smells like breakfast is being served....ENJOY,

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