mercredi 19 octobre 2016

Anemone, clown fish (oscelaris) and gonapora coral

Hi! I am trying to do the task of making my clown fish to host the anemone.

When I bought the anemone I put both clown with the anemone on a small container to make them to know each other so they know that they can go into the anemone. I did it for 3 hrs and they were doing go... so I realese them and nothing happens, they never went back to the anemone.

So, I try the pics on the side of the tank so they could see other clowns doing what they suppose to do but instead of going to the anemone one of the clown is trying to host the Gonapora coral and the coral is retracting because of the touch...

What can I do to make the clown forgive o get away form the coral?


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