jeudi 20 octobre 2016

Finally going to add some new fish!

So, here is my stock list so far
2 purcula clowns(5 years)
Royal gramma(5years)
Yellow watchman goby (4-5 years)
Sailfin tang (3 years)
2 engineer gobies not quite one year
2 blue green chromis( one is getting being bullied by the larger one and on its way out)about 2 years old
Melanarus wrasse about 2 years old
Coral banded shrimp
Peppermint shrimp
Very large turbo snail

I want to get:
1 blue sided velvet fairy wrasse
1 black neon dottyback, or neon dottyback
1 lawnmower blenny

And one dwarf lion fish for the frag tank, and possibly a cinnamon clown, or hawk fish for that tank as well.

I still have room in the display tank. And things are going to start dying of old age soon enough. I hope so at least. I want to get my fish before I add corals again. And figured I would wait 1.5-2 weeks in between adding each of the fish listed above. The frag tank isn't set up yet and will be cycled first. Etc. etc. Lion fish are my favorite saltwater fish. So, I am not going to take any chances.

Plus I clean my tank once a week, blow out rocks, siphon my sand bed. 10-15% water changes once a week, and one large one 40-50% 3 times a year. Skimmer rated for 400G. I will have about 180-200lbs or rock in my tank by the end of the year. 40B sump, ATO, RODI water always at zero TDS. And many extra bells and whistles.

What do you guys think? Good additions? Bad additions? Too many fish? Not enough?

We have a LFS that is worth while now!!! Although only open 4 days a week. They quarantine their fish for two weeks in formalin and some other stuff before being sold. The owner called me personally to answe my questions before driving 25 minutes. And they have a fish list online with pictures. I think the owner knows more than I do about saltwater tanks. Which is both strange and encouraging. And strangely encouraging! I don't have a LFS that I can go to anymore. I haven't been to the store yet. But you can tell by the pictures, the food they offer, testing, LR. That the store is a quality place. And the prices are not cheap either. But not as bad as petco. Their coral is expensive, but I make enough money to buy it. Going to start the first A RTRP (reef tank retirement plan)!

BTW if the bio load of the fish gets too large and my wife is attached to the fish. It will be time to upgrade to a 180G. Or just get a bigger frag tank. I want a 60-100G custom made frag tank.

This Christmas will mark my 7th year of this saltwater adventure! And 22 years of keeping aquarium fish. Sorry I went a bit long. Just excited!!!!

I want more inverts as well. What kind does everyone like besides the normal snails and crabs?

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