dimanche 25 janvier 2015

Sump question


I have a 90 gallon aquarium that I am putting together. I was looking to purchase a sump for my tank with the size being 35 x 15 x 15, I have an odd size stand so this is the biggest sump I can get in there. The only way I can get this size sump is to order a kit and put it together. I see that there are places around my area now that have 20 long tanks for sale now for only $20. I know I will be compromising the amount of water in the sump but since this is my first tank with a sump I was just wondering how much filtration I will be sacrificing.

Also I was going to take Doc's suggestion and go with an Octopus NWB150. I would like to know if this sump would be large enough to house this skimmer and since I only have 24" from the bottom of my stand to the bottom of the aquarium if I would have enough room to get my skimmer out to clean it.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

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