vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Snapping in the day and night? ruh roh...

Hello TRT Community,

I was home sick yesterday and was laying on my couch watching T.V. when I could suddenly hear distinct snapping sounds coming from my tank. At first I thought it was the floor settling (wood floor and this house i'm in CONSTANTLY settles), but it persisted throughout the day, and a lot more at night.

I'd hear maybe a snap, then 5 mins later 1-2 snaps, then maybe 20 mins later another snap, etc.

Not often, but often enough to alert me that there is something in my LR that's making the noise.

I have two hermit crabs and two snails in my tank right now, neither seems to be bothered but I have noticed that neither species will venture remotely close to the arch I have in the back of my tank (it's a cave really.) This is where the snapping comes from, but I cannot see what's producing the noise, even at night with a red filtered flashlight... :/

Question is this...

Is there anyway to identify via sound if this is a Pistol Shrimp or a Mantis Shrimp? Literally sounds like snapping fingers.

Also, if it is either or, will this be a issue for future inhabitants if they're left unchecked?

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