jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Anemone questions!!

Okay, so I have two anemones in my tank right now. I have the proper lighting, a good filter, and a protein skimmer rated 5X my tank.

So I have a Green Bubble Tip anemone and a tube anemone.

My first question is feeding. The guy I bought them from said to feed them cut up krill or shrimp, but neither anemone has accepted this food. It ends up just falling out of them... Are Tigger Pods the way to go to feed them? That was my original line of thinking but the guy talked me out of it...? So feeding both of this is my first question.

My second question is lighting. I keep my LED light on during the day, and after feeding and at night, I leave it on the "Nighttime" setting where the light is blue. My question is do I need to keep a light on all the time for these two? Like is the blue setting at night necisary?

My last question and a very frustrating one... How do I get my tube anemone to stay in the substrate?

I keep burying about half of him in the substrate, and then it'll stretch out and end up on it's side just laying there after about an hour...

Thank you for any and all answers! I just want to keep these guys as happy as I can!

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