jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Snails Dying?

Last week I added 10 snails to my tank and within 2 days all of them had quit moving and spewed out a white, stringy substance that almost looks like they're covered in cob webs. I didn't smell them but I just assumed they were dead and removed them.

Last night I added 6 more to the tank and 3 already have the same problem of not moving and being covered in these "cob webs". Am I correct that they're dead? I don't want to leave them in the water and have them screw up my tank.

I checked my water last night about an hour before putting them in the tank and my ammonia, nitrites and nitrates were all at 0, my salinity was at 1.025 and my pH was at 8.1. I'm not sure what's causing their deaths. Everything else in the tank (fish, shrimp, hermit crabs and emerald crab) are doing really well; none of the other tank inhabitants ever bother the snails so I don't think they're being killed by them.

Let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions.. thanks!

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