vendredi 30 janvier 2015

New 55 Gallon

Hi! Just set up my first saltwater tank. We bought an established tank off of craigslist for an awesome deal. We had to make a few modifications and do A LOT of cleaning but it is finally coming together!

It came with a ton of live rock/sand, large wet/dry filter (not sure of the size) that has bio balls and live rock in the filter, a 125g corallife protein skimmer, a slightly small submersible heater and two hanging aquaufo led lights. We have added a hang-on refugium, stocked with chaeto and grape algae, and an extra heater. We have also added a few more pieces of rock. We eventually want to add a uv sterilizer and a phosphate reactor, but have just heard a lot of mixed emotions about them. The tank looks great so far and the water parameters have all kept pretty steady :)

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