vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Suggestions for Tall Coral in back/bottom of DT

Hi All--

Any suggestions for a tall coral (at least getting 5-6 inches or more tall) for the back bottom corner of my 100g cube (it's 30" wide by 30" front to back by 24" tall). And the added challenge is the fact that my wife (the boss) doesn't really care for corals that have a stick-like appearance, so most Gorgonians would not qualify. However, I was thinking maybe I could get away with her being ok with a purple sea plume, or if I could find one--a nice one--perhaps a sea fan (but I don't know where I could get one--anyone know where those are available?).

Or possibly any soft corals people could think of or any other ideas? Thanks much in advance!


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