samedi 31 janvier 2015

Levels 1 month in

So to start I have a 75 gallon with 80lbs LR. IVe had the tank up and running for a month. The LR was from a tank up a few years. I currently have apx 20 snails and a pair of mated false percula clowns. My levels are:

PH- 8.2

Salinity- 1.025

Ammonia- 0

Nitrites- 0

Nitrates- 1

Phosphates- 1

dKH- 12

Calcium- 460

I had some brown algae as I cycled which the snails have taken care of. I now have a little bit of green algae but I'm definitely seeing much more corraline algae on my rocks. At these levels would you think it's ok to add a serpent sea star?

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