mercredi 28 janvier 2015

NOAA Proposed Rule

I'm interested in understanding how NOAA's proposed increased protection will affect the hobby. I'm seeing a lot of scare tactics about how it will be the end of reef-keeping as we know it, but I don't see that in the law. As it is currently written I find no restriction on personal activity, elkhorn and staghorn are the only ones that have that because they have extra protection that is not on the table for any other species.

I read the law as a prohibition on going to a reef and breaking off some endangered coral without a permit.

I respect the heavyweights (Sprung et al) that are coming out against it, as well as PIJAC, but I haven't gotten enough information from them to form an educated opinion on the matter.

I'd like this to be a thread where people can learn about the law and get enough info to make their own decision about it. I think that my comments and letters will be more effective if I can explain why I oppose the additions, rather than just a pitchfork mob. I will edit links to more info into this post, to make it easier to find them. I will also add any you guys suggest, that would be a big help. I'm neither for nor against the thing, just trying to get my head around it and cut out the drama.


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