vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Foxface Rabbitfish?

Hi! I'm new to the forum and new to saltwater tanks! I just set up my first tank about a month ago with my boyfriend. We got a used tank of craigslist that had been established for over 10 years. We decided we wanted to do a reef tank as we find them beautiful.

Alright, so the thank came with two mated clowns and a few anemones (two small condy, a ultra green flower and another flower) and a bunch of live rock. The first thing we added was a good clean up crew (snails, hermits, peppermint shrimp, etc). Last week I went out and got my first coral frags. We picked up a hammer, a pulsing xenia, a green star polyp and a duncan.

Yesterday, I added my first fish. The guy at the saltwater store recommended a foxface (the tank came with an algae problem and infested with aptasia). I thought I had heard they nip at LPS corals, but he insured me that he wouldn't touch them. WELL, I woke up this morning and my hammer (which looked GREAT last night) is GONE! All thats left is the stony part. The green star and xenia were knocked on the ground and the duncan looks "weird", it looks swollen almost and is closed up.

What do I do? I just lost tons of money on frags and I'm pretty positive the foxface ate them all. Should I try to return him? He is also super skittish and every time I come near the tank he turns white and hides.

Any advice would be appreciated!! I'm super bummed about my frags :(

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