mercredi 28 janvier 2015

Weak young clownfish, need input.


Unfortunately one of my new clownfish is not doing particularly well. He has not eaten much, if at all, since I have gotten him. Today I have seen him on several occasions briefly rest on the bottom of the tank. His caudal fin has been split from day one, I regret not examining him more thoroughly before bringing him home. The LFS I got him from has a policy of no live-returns. I called them explaining the situation the very next morning after getting him, but they said it was likely caused during the drive home. ANYWAYS. So he is weak and tends to spit up every food I have offered him. I can set up a hospital tank tonight (hoping I get an answer first), but I don't know what kind of medical attention this would require. I have frozen brine and mysis shrimp, as well as spectrum pellets .5mm and 1mm. Should I get some frozen blood worms in attempt to put some fat into the little sucker?

Water parameters:

pH: 8.2

KH: 11dKH

Salinity: 1.025 SG

NH3: 0ppm

NO2-: 0ppm

NO3-: 0ppm


Tank Specs:

JBJ 28 NanoCube

Nano Circulation pump

TUNZE 9200 protein skimmer

30lbs live rock

15lbs live sand

Hammer coral x2




Kenya Tree



-5 blue legged hermit crabs

-3 red scarlet hermit crabs

-1 sharknose goby

-2 false percale clownfish

I should note, all other inhabitants are doing well and eating without any issues.

Thank you for any help and input you might be able to provide.

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