vendredi 30 janvier 2015

A hitchhiker already?

A hitchhiker already? I knew at some point I could possibly see something but I figured it would be so tiny it would take weeks to grow and show up in my tank where I can see it with my bare eyes.

I can't tell you how much time I spend staring at the sand with my LED flashlight imagining little critters are things moving around to find out it was my eyes playing tricks on me or just little pieces of whatever coming off of my rock!

(well I have nothing else to look at for the time being LOL)

So last night I started looking up different critters that you can have in your tank & bristle worm seem to show up quite a bit some people keep them and like them some people don't.. Thanks to YouTube I've had some great visuals of the little buggers as well as the big ones..I've read that the small ones are harmless part of the ecosystem in the tank.

So on further inspection of my tank last night before going to bed, I could've sworn I saw her a 1 inch skinny little beige color something or other that my eyes were having a hard time focusing on cause it's super skinny and with the reflecting water I thought it was my eyes playing tricks again..(especially since I just had all those visuals!)

I thought I saw some legs on it!! I would be lying if I told you I didn't get the shivers! Lol I know, I know that's all part of it and I was expecting it at some point. And I could learn to love worms too! If I have to. I love all living things, I love all living things, did I mention I love all living things?

So as I stared at this one inch skinny little thing it started to get a little bit smaller. And smaller and it eventually disappeared before my eyes! I believe it was burying itself in the sand. I've been on a mission to locate him again because when I called my husband over to look at it he was gone! Without a trace!!

was it in my eyes? was it in my head? or was it really in my tank??

And I'd imagine if I have one I could have more? Someone said they sting don't touch them?

And the most important question good or bad for the tank??

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