mercredi 28 janvier 2015 4

Ok, I added my shrimp Monday night.. Tuesday afternoon I added a few pellets. My salinity was really high so I water changed 3gallons last night and today Salinity is good. According to the charts its where it should be. 1.025. So I just tested everything since the rotting shrimp and water change and here is what I am getting...

I know it takes time but I was thinking my numbers would very slowly be going in the right direction.. Maybe this is? Is this the way things should be at this point? And shall I keep adding pellets?

My numbers...Temp at 77 no light yet

Salinity 34 was 38

Gravity 1.025 was 1.032

PH 8.0 was 8.2

Ammonia .50 was 0

Nitrite. 1.0 was 0

Nitrate 2.0 was 5.0

I know it takes time but I am hoping this is part of the cycle and someone recommended Prime.. Opinions on that? I know the natural way is the best but will this work?

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