samedi 31 janvier 2015

Invert updates

Hey, everyone :wavey: just wanted to post a some updates on the well being of a couple of my inverts.

Last month I found my banded serpent star in less than stellar condition. Silversides are a big no-no apparently as they can and will bust through the test of the starfish! :eek: he had a quarter sized hole in his half dollar disc. After focusing on thorough water changes and stability, he's almost completely healed.

Thanks, Connor, for letting me know that they can survive this. I was ready to pull him out and call it a day!

And some of you may know the oh-so-lovely story of the Petco LTA rescue. Mislabeled, bleached, unburied, a couple inches big. He recovered some zooxanthella in my system, but he recently started reaching up to receive more light. Not happy.

I stopped by a club member's house last night and bought a black box just for him. He's starting to bury his column again. I hope he's happy. If I need to, I'll have optics added to the light later.

I would add more pics but for some reason I keep getting the same URL for every one...

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