mercredi 1 octobre 2014

Aqua Controller Suggestions!!!???!!!???

Hey guys I have been looking at different aqua controllers recently and I have been trying to find the right one for me. I have looked at the APEX JR and the REEFKEEPER LITE. They aren't very clear about what they can and can't do so I was hoping you guys could answer some questions.

I would like a controller that...

- Can control power heads (Koralia evolutions)

- Can control lighting (Zoo med aqua sun LED HO)

- Can control protein skimmer (Hydor Slim Skim Nano)

- Can control Heater (Hydor Theo)

Important but not essential...

Control from phone anywhere

Ability to purchase a automatic feeder that could be synced with it

Different module capabilities..

Thanks guys please suggest different controllers but try and keep the price low. If you have a controller please feel free to share a bit about it (What you like and don't like) because I would like to learn what the best is for me.


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